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Méxiconota 1 ([mexiko]) is a country of America, located in the southern part of North America. Its official name is the United Mexican States, and its capital is Mexico City, whose territory has been designated as a federal district.9 Politically it is a democratic, representative and federal republic composed of 32 states, of which 31 are states and one is The federal district.

The Mexican territory has an area of ​​1 964 375 km², 1 making it the fourteenth largest country in the world and the third largest in Latin America, after Brazil and Argentina. It limits to the north with the United States of America along a border of 3 118 km, while to the south it has a border of 956 km with Guatemala and 193 km with Belize; the coasts of the country limit to the west with the Pacific Ocean and to the east with the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, adding 11 593 km, 1 making it the third American country with the longest coastline.

Mexico is the eleventh most populated country in the world, with an estimated population of 121 million people in 2015,2 most of which have Spanish as their mother tongue, which the state recognizes as a national language along with 67 indigenous languages of the nation.10 Around 287 languages ​​are spoken in the country, 11 due to the characteristics of its population, it is the most populous Spanish-speaking country, 12 as well as the seventh country with the greatest linguistic diversity in the world.


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